Advanced Materials Science and Technology (Print ISSN: 2717-526X Online ISSN: 2810-9155) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published semi-annual by Omniscient Pte. Ltd. The journal covers the properties, applications and synthesis of new materials related to energy, environment, physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine, including ceramics, polymers, biological, medical and composite materials and so on. Original article, Review, Report and Communication are encouraged. Advanced Materials Science and Technology aims to disseminate the latest progress in advanced materials such as nanomaterials, carbon-based materials, organic optoelectronic materials, metallic materials and functional materials and to promote the understanding of the use of materials in energy, environment, physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine. This journal will be useful for professionals in the various branches of materials science and for students and academic staff concerned with the related specialties.
Trends in Oncology (Print ISSN: 2717-5278 Online ISSN: 2810-9147 ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, review articles, editorials, case report, letters to the editor, perspective and commentaries on all areas of oncology research, including the molecular biology, pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumor. In addition, special issues focusing on particular oncology disciplines will be also organized and stipulated. Trends in Oncology aims to publish high-quality academic articles, promote academic exchanges and scientific research progress in the field of oncology.
The Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering is an international academic journal focusing on the latest developments in the field of computer as well as information science. The journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed online journal. Adopting an open access model, it features novelty, accuracy and timeliness, and reports the latest scientific research results involving the field, such as computer theory research and computer application technology development as well as information science.
Psychology Research and Practice (Online ISSN: 2972-3094 Print ISSN: 2972-3086 ) is an international academic journal focusing on the latest research and developments in the field of psychology and the practical applications of these. The journal is a peer-reviewed online journal using an open access model. It publishes papers continuously. It is characterized by innovations in psychology and reports on the latest research findings, original articles, critical and systematic reviews in psychology, including such fields as cognitive and behavioral sciences, mental health, psychiatry, neuroscience, and behavioral biology.
Virus and Immunity is a peer-reviewed open access journal published semi-annual by Omniscient Pte. Ltd. The journal describes the new discoveries coming from the interaction of these two rapidly advancing fields of virology and immunology. Virus and Immunity will publish excellent works of the integration of virology and immunology such as vaccine development, virus-related tumors, biomarkers, mechanisms of persistent infection and immune escape, infection and immunity for other virus-co-infection pathogens, etc. Original Research Article, Review, Report, Editorial, Communication and others are encouraged.
Journal of Building Design and Environment (Print ISSN: 2811-0730 Online ISSN: 2811-0749) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published semi-annual by Omniscient Pte. Ltd. Journal of Building Design and Environment is an interdisciplinary, international journal. Taking ecological architectural design as its entry point, the journal combines the fields of architectural engineering, architectural aesthetics, built environment, construction engineering and management, sustainable development and urban planning, aiming to provide an open access academic platform for experts and scholars in the field, publish high-quality academic content and promote the exchange and development of the architectural design field.
Journal of Building Design and Environment officially transitioned to Science Exploration Press in September 2024. Please visit us at:
Journal of Biomedical Engineering Theory and Practice is an interdisciplinary, international journal which presents original and review articles in the major fields of biomedical engineering. A major aim of BETP is to provide integrated approaches to the solutions of biological and biomedical problems. BETP provide an open access academic platform for experts and scholars in the field, publish high quality academic content and promote communication and development in the field of biomedical engineering.
Global Economic Perspectives (Print:2972-4813 Online:2972-4821)is an open access, international academic journal dedicated to promoting academic research and knowledge exchange in the global economic field. This journal aims to provide an open platform for economists, scholars, and decision-makers to explore and discuss various aspects of global economic development. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, reviews, and review articles covering various fields of economic theory, methods, and applications.
The Journal of Education Insights (Print:2972-4856 Online:2972-4864)is an international academic journal aimed at promoting research and knowledge exchange in the field of education. This journal is committed to promoting innovation and development in the field of education, providing an open platform for education practitioners, scholars, and decision-makers to share their insights, experiences, and research results. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, comments, and practical cases covering various educational stages and fields.
Engineering Technology Trends (Print ISSN:2972-483X Online ISSN:2972-4848)is an international academic journal aimed at promoting research and knowledge exchange in the field of engineering technology. This journal is dedicated to tracking and reporting on the latest trends, developments, and innovations in the field of engineering technology. We encourage engineering and technology practitioners, scholars, and researchers to share their research achievements, technological applications, and practical experiences. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, technical reports, and review articles covering various engineering and technical fields.
Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research (Print:3060-8708 Online:3060-8694)is an open access, international academic journal aimed at promoting the latest research and discoveries in the field of clinical medicine. The journal covers a wide range of clinical medical topics, including but not limited to disease diagnosis and treatment, clinical trials, epidemiology, medical imaging, surgical procedures, drug therapy, and medical education. The "Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research" is committed to providing high-quality original research articles, reviews, and case reports, offering updated clinical practice guidelines and the latest medical knowledge to medical professionals. The goal of the journal is to become a leading publication in the field of clinical medicine, contributing to the advancement and innovation of the medical community.
Journal of Construction Engineering Innovations and Research (Print:3060-8716 Online:3060-8724)is an international academic journal dedicated to advancing the latest innovations and research outcomes in the field of construction engineering. The journal covers a wide range of topics in construction engineering, including but not limited to architectural design and planning, structural engineering, construction materials and techniques, building energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, smart building technologies, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and sustainable construction. The aim of the "Journal of Construction Engineering Innovations and Research" is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and scholars in the field of construction engineering to exchange and share the latest research findings, innovative technologies, and industry trends, thereby promoting continuous development and advancement in the field of construction engineering.
《电子通信与计算机科学》(ISSN: 2717-5170)旨在为电子通信、计算机科学与网络技术方面的先进学术性文章,创造一个公平开阔的刊载平台。本刊开放获取,在线出版,专业服务于领域内研究人员与相关从业者。
《工程施工新技术》(Print ISSN: 2811-0609 Online ISSN: 2811-065X )本刊面向工程建设领域,传播和交流国内外先进施工技术和经验,推动全行业的技术进步,使科研成果及时转化为生产力。刊物主要刊载工程建设施工方面的方针政策和技术法规,重大施工技术成就,传播工程施工领域采用的新体系、新技术、新工艺、新材料、新机具、新设备和施工管理经验,以及国内外先进施工技术及其发展动态。论文范围包括但不限于方针政策、地基与基础、道路桥与梁工程、混凝土、既有建筑综合改造、模板与脚手架、钢结构、安装工程、绿色建筑、建筑防水、住宅产业化、信息化建筑材料、工程测量、工程管理、安装工程、规范与标准、水利电力工程、特种工程、建筑结构、市政工程、建筑机械等。
《现代工程项目管理》(Print ISSN: 2811-0625 Online ISSN: 2811-0676 )本刊关注国内外项目管理理论、方法及应用。杂志内容以国内外项目管理的研究成果、行业项目管理应用、案例分析为主体,兼顾项目管理的实用技术和专业报道。主要涉及建筑、工程、航天航空、制造业、信息技术、能源、金融、交通、电信、教育等领域以及咨询服务和政府部门等领域的现代工程项目管理的基本理论、组织模式、组织结构、项目经理与团队管理、决策与定义、计划、绩效管理与评价、采购和合同管理、风险管理、项目竣工与后评估、国际工程项目管理等。服务于政府、企事业单位和公司高层管理者、项目经理,从事项目管理的研究人员,大学管理专业师生和关心项目管理的有关人员。
《地质研究与环境保护》(Print ISSN: 2811-0595 Online ISSN: 2811-0641)本刊主要报道地学领域创新性研究成果,反映地学研究的前沿和进展信息,促进各国同行交流地质科学研究新问题和地质调查新发现,传播地质新理念,持续高效地支撑全球经济发展和环境保护。论文范围包括但不限于基础地质与矿床地质,沉积地质与油气勘探,矿产资源综合利用,水资源与水文地质,环境与可持续发展,工程地质与环境灾害,应用地球物理,大地测量、遥感与地学大数据等。面向国家重点实验室、科研院所、高等院校、企事业单位等从事地学研究工作的科技人员、专家、院校师生等相关人员收稿。
《农业科技与发展》(Print ISSN: 2811-0617 Online ISSN: 2811-0668)该刊重点宣传农业科研实践、农业技术革新的成果、农业科研及相关领域的最新进展,介绍特色资源、农业生产与经济发展状况,旨在为农业科学领域学者创建一个国际学术交流的平台,促进该领域科研和学术的进步,报道农业科学领域前沿性的研究成果及有关重大课题的前期成果,促进该学科领域的学术交流。论文范围包括但不限于农业基础科学与方法、植物生理生化、农业生物技术、农艺、动物科学、植物保护、园艺·园林、资源与环境、土壤肥料、农业信息、水产、农业工程、食品科学、农业经济类等相关学科的学术论文、研究报告以及综述等,刊物注重理论性、学术性以及创新性。
随着科技的不断进步和全球经济的飞速发展,现代工业装备制造领域正经历着前所未有的变革。自动化技术的广泛应用,不仅极大地提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本,还推动了工业装备制造向更高质量、更智能化、更绿色化的方向发展。本书深入剖析现代工业装备制造与自动化技术的融合发展,探讨其发展趋势和面临的挑战,为相关企业和研究机构提供有价值的参考。 工业装备制造作为制造业的核心领域,其发展水平直接关系到国家经济的竞争力和综合国力。近年来,随着自动化、信息化、智能化技术的不断突破,工业装备制造领域正迎来新的发展机遇。自动化技术的应用,使得工业装备制造过程更加高效、精准、灵活,推动了生产方式的变革和产业结构的升级。 现代工业装备制造与自动化发展也面临着诸多挑战。如何充分利用自动化技术提升生产效率,同时保证产品质量和安全性;如何推动工业装备制造向绿色化、智能化方向发展,实现可持续发展;如何培养具备高度专业技能和创新能力的人才,支撑产业的持续创新与发展等,都是当前亟待解决的问题。 本书结合当前工业装备制造领域的最新发展趋势,深入分析自动化技术在现代工业装备制造中的应用,探讨其带来的机遇与挑战,并提出相应的解决方案和建议。
水利工程作为国家基础设施的重要组成部分,对于调节水资源、保障人民生产生活发挥着至关重要的作用。而在水利施工中,土石方与爆破技术则是不可或缺的环节。水利工程的建设离不开土石方勘测和爆破技术的应用。土石方勘测为土石方开挖提供了准确的资料,而爆破技术则能够提高开挖效率、降低成本。在水利工程中,土石方与爆破技术是一个不可或缺的组成部分。土石方与爆破技术的应用,不仅有助于提高水利工程的整体质量,还可以有效降低施工成本、缩短工期。 本书旨在介绍水利工程土石方与爆破技术的基础知识、方法和应用,以期对相关领域从业人员提供参考和借鉴,并使读者更深入地了解土石方与爆破技术在水利工程中的作用。本书主要内容包括土石方开挖技术、爆破技术、爆破振动与噪声控制技术、爆破效果评价、土石方与爆破安全管理以及案例分析等。