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Advanced Materials Science and Technology (ISSN: 2717-526X) is a peer-reviewed open access journal published semi-annual online by Omniscient Pte. Ltd. The journal covers the properties, applications and synthesis of new materials related to energy, environment, physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine, including ceramics, polymers, biological, medical and composite materials and so on. Original article, Review, Report and Communication are encouraged.

Aims and Scope

Advanced Materials Science and Technology aims to disseminate the latest progress in advanced materials such as nanomaterials, carbon-based materials, organic optoelectronic materials, metallic materials and functional materials and to promote the understanding of the use of materials in energy, environment, physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and medicine. This journal will be useful for professionals in the various branches of materials science and for students and academic staff concerned with the related specialties. The coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

● Materials Engineering and Structure
● Nanotechnology and Nanoscience
● Electronics and Optical Materials
● Energy, Environmental, Sustainable, and Catalysis Applications
● Ceramics, Polymers, Composite, and Coating Materials
● Biomaterials, Bioengineering, and Bio-related Applications
● Nano-magnetism, Magnetic, and Superconducting Materials
● Advanced Functional Materials and Smart Devices
● Computation, Simulation, and Materials Genetic Engineering
● Advanced Characterizations
● Surfaces, Interfaces, and Applications
● Advanced Manufacturing Technology



Trends in Oncology (Print ISSN: 2717-5278 Online ISSN: 2810-9147 ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, review articles, editorials, case report, letters to the editor, perspective and commentaries on all areas of oncology research, including the molecular biology, pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumor. In addition, special issues focusing on particular oncology disciplines will be also organized and stipulated.

Aims and Scope

Advances in Cancer Research and Therapy aims to publish high-quality academic articles, promote academic exchanges and scientific research progress in the field of oncology.

Subject areas include but not limited to:

Clinical studies including clinical trials and case reports

Translational research

Molecular diagnosis

Cellular and molecular biology

Genetics study


Immunotherapy and resistance


《国际建筑学》(ISSN: 2661-4669)  是由新加坡万知科学出版社主办的一本开放获取,同行评议的建筑学领域综合性国际学术期刊。本刊出版国际建筑理论、建筑设计、建筑材料、施工技术、工程管理、建筑环境与设备、智能建筑、绿色建筑,城市建筑、建筑结构、建筑管理与经济等建筑学理论研究与应用实践相关领域的最新进展与动态;《国际建筑学》旨在为从事建筑行业的设计、研究、教学、施工、管理相关科研及技术人员提供一个信息交流探讨的平台。





《教育理论与应用》(ISSN: 2705-0653) 是由新加坡万知科学出版社主办的一本开放获取,同行评议的综合性中文学术期刊,关注全球教育热点和难点问题,主要发表国际教育理论与实践应用研究的最新成果和和先进经验。本刊服务于全球教育理论研究人员、各级院校领导者与教师团体、教育行政管理人员、以及涉及教育理论进展和实践研究的相关工作人员,以推动解决教育热点问题,促进国际教育文化的交流与学习。





《临床医学前沿》(ISSN: 2661-4766 ) 是由新加坡万知科学出版社主办发行的一本临床医学领域跨学科的国际中文期刊。本刊主要刊登临床医学领域内最新理论研究进展与技术经验等学术文章。本刊坚持以作者服务为中心,出版高质量学术文章,促进国际临床医学学术交流和科学研究进展,服务广大医药卫生科技人员、医学院校的师生及临床医学相关行业专业人员。





《机械与电子控制工程》(ISSN: 2717-5197)是一本具有专业性和学术性的开放获取国际中文期刊。本刊从各类机械设计、机械研发理论研究、机械制造、机械传动、机电一体化、材料与工艺、仪器仪表、机械的智能自动化技术与管理、机械的使用与检测维修、机械零件、集成电路、电子控制技术发展、电子控制器研发、计算机相关应用等领域着手,开拓相关研究人员与从业人员的新思路,推动先进技术的新发展。




《水利电力技术与应用》(ISSN: 2717-5251)主要探讨水利电力及相关技术运用,旨在为从事水利电力行业的相关人员提供专业平台,以进行交流互通。本刊是一个开放获取、双月发行的综合性国际学术期刊。本刊出版水利电力先进科研成果,水利水电工艺、机械技术,水利电力资源开发和利用,水利电力工程设计及规划、勘测、施工、造价、计算机模拟、监理,水利电力经济,水电站及电站,水利电力相关环境保护、防洪抗旱,城市或乡镇农村灌溉,水利电力新能源等,专注于水利电力学理论研究与应用实践相关领域。




《园林建设与城市规划》(ISSN: 2717-5162 )刊载内容包括:现代园林工程设计,现代园林建筑施工,现代园林生态链研究,传统园林建筑营造技术,传统园林古建筑技术研究与保护,园林建筑地域性分析,城镇化建设与土地利用,城市绿化,城市产业结构规划研究等。本期刊以在线发行、开放获取形式的出版模式为刊发文章提供快速广泛的可见度,使各方学术意见都能够得以汇总,为全球范围的该行业从业人员与研究者提供一个综合性学术交流平台。



《工程管理与技术探讨》(ISSN: 2717-5189)着眼于工程管理与工程技术理论研究,开放获取在线出版,旨为面向各领域中的工程行业及工程相关科研单位,为广大从业者和研究人员提供最新科研信息,刊载先进研究成果。其发表内容覆盖:工程施工管理,工程经济与造价,以及矿业、建筑、机械、计算机、化工、电力、交通、海河、物流等相关工程技术研究、工艺开拓、设备发展、新产品与新技术应用等各相关领域。




《电子通信与计算机科学》(ISSN: 2717-5170)旨在为电子通信、计算机科学与网络技术方面的先进学术性文章,创造一个公平开阔的刊载平台。本刊开放获取,在线出版,专业服务于领域内研究人员与相关从业者。




《现代教育探索》(ISSN: 2717-5561) 是一本面向集体教育工作者、教育学研究人员以及教学器械产品研发推广人员的综合型学术期刊。本刊在线出版,开放获取,具有时代前瞻性,内容覆盖广泛,囊括各科目基础教育、高等教育、职业教育、成人教育、特殊教育,为不同教育方法与教学形式提供信息互通平台,强调教育的现代化,旨为全面推动教育管理科学的发展和教学理论与实践的创新。



《城市建筑与发展》(ISSN: 2717-557X) 面向于工程设计人员、技术人员、城市建设领域中的市政工作者、房地产开发行业、系统集成商、产品供应商等,是一本开放获取、在线出版的国际中文学术性期刊。本刊旨在交流城市基础建设与城市建筑设计的经验与新理念,为市政/开发行业提供投资新思路新技术,从而全方面剖析与推动城市建筑与建设的发展。



《建筑设计与研究》(ISSN: 2717-5588) 以建筑设计与建筑研究为期刊核心,坚持专业严谨的办刊原则,强调理论性与实践性并重。该刊围绕现代建筑业的勘察设计,建筑领域的改革与发展,传统建筑的营造与各国古建筑研究等;旨在面向全球,注重实用,多视角触及建筑全领域,宣传交流各时代各区域的建筑设计与技术、建筑施工与材料、家装设计与基础设施等方面的新成就、新经验、新知识、新成果、新科学技术,更试图大力推介技术成果与新型理念,探究行业发展的新理论、新方法,为广大从业者服务。



《工程学研究与实用》(ISSN: 2717-5316)是一本开放获取、在线出版的国际中文期刊。本刊刊发范围包含全工程学科及工程学教育的研究与实用,广泛涉及地矿类、材料类、机械类、仪器仪表类、能源动力类、电气信息类、土木建筑类、水利类、测绘类、环境与安全类、化工与制药类、交通运输类、海河与船舶、航空航天类、武器类、工程力学、生物工程类、轻工纺织食品类、农业工程类、林业工程类及公安技术类的各项相关工程开发与应用。



《国际经济与管理》(ISSN: 2717-5642) 为在线出版的开放获取式学术期刊。本刊一贯看重国际上经济研究的深度和学术规范,关注经济现实,讲求理论与实践相结合,除强调理论创新、思想深度和思辨性的纯理论原创学术文章之外,还发表熟练运用经济数量分析技术和实证方法、理论联系实际、有新观点和新发现的进步文章,紧扣焦点和热点问题。本刊涉及全球的经济理论与经济改革发展,国际贸易,工商管理,产品解构与投资分析,市场研究与信息调查,会计学与审计学相关,新兴产业链发展以及各国财政税收问题研究。



《国际护理与健康》(ISSN: 2717-5650)一刊介绍了国际护理领域研究新技术,新动向,新成果,促进护理学科和医药职业教育事业的发展。本刊开放获取在线出版,有助于关注大众健康,与行业内外分享学术信息和研究成果,推广科学护理。所有专业理论研究与实践应用。



《国际全科医学》(ISSN: 2717-5669)宣传全科医学知识,传播全科医学技术及全科医学理念,重点发表全科医学先进科研成果与学术成就,促进全科医学信息传播和学术交流。本刊在线出版开放获取,主要针对广大医务人员​​,医学院校广大师生,以及武装全科医学基础,临床,科研,教学及管理工作者。



《内科诊疗与进展》(ISSN: 2717-5693)以临床内科各项专科以及内科学为主要内容,研究诊疗包括呼吸道疾病、循环类疾病、消化类疾病、泌尿系统疾病、血液类疾病、内分泌代谢类疾病、类风湿及免疫类疾病、神经系统类疾病等各类常见疾病或疑难杂症。本刊着重强调科学性、时效性和实用性,将临床医学与病理研究相结合,打造专业性极强的学术性开放获取期刊。



The Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering is an international academic journal focusing on the latest developments in the field of computer as well as information science. The journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed online journal. Adopting an open access model, it features novelty, accuracy and timeliness, and reports the latest scientific research results involving the field, such as computer theory research and computer application technology development as well as information science.


Amis and scopes:

Our aim is to encourage scientists and researchers to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental details and/or study methods should be provided for research articles so that the results can be reproduced.


Software technology, information security, computer networks, architecture, artificial intelligence, applied computer technology (graphics, natural language processing, information retrieval), database technology, data science, storage technology, basic computer, computer theory and other related areas.


Psychology Research and Practice (Online ISSN: 2972-3094 Print ISSN: 2972-3086) is an international academic journal focusing on the latest research and developments in the field of psychology and the practical applications of these. The journal is a peer-reviewed online journal using an open access model. It publishes papers continuously.  It is characterized by innovations in psychology and reports on the latest research findings, original articles, critical and systematic reviews in psychology, including such fields as cognitive and behavioral sciences, mental health, psychiatry, neuroscience, and behavioral biology.

Amis and scopes:

The journal aims to encourage scientists and researchers worldwide to publish and share their research findings and focus on the practical applications of these. This journal will be useful for professionals in various branches of psychology and for students and academic staff concerned with related specialties.

The coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following fields:

Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Occupational Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychological Research and Methods, Psychometrics and Educational Measurement.


Virus and Immunity is a peer-reviewed open access journal published semi-annual online by Omniscient Pte. Ltd. The journal will publish excellent works of the integration of virology and immunology such as vaccine development, virus-related tumors, biomarkers, mechanisms of persistent infection and immune escape, infection and immunity for other virus-co-infection pathogens, etc. Original Research Article, Review, Report, Editorial, Communication and others are encouraged.

Aims and Scope

The elimination of smallpox by vaccine opened the immunology world. Since then, immunology and virology have made tremendous progress by influencing both. The most recent pandemic, the COVID-19 outbreak, has highlighted the need for the complementary roles of virology and immunology. The journal describes the new discoveries coming from the interaction of these two rapidly advancing fields as follows:

● Vaccine development, immunotherapy against virus infection
● Ab production against virus components, characterization of the neutralizing antibody and/or antibody-dependent enhancement
● CTL response against the virus and its involvement in immunopathogenesis
● Mechanisms of virus entry, phagocytosis, and autophagy
● Production of cytokine, chemokine, and matricellular proteins in virus infection
● Mechanisms of persistent infection (HTLV, HIV, Herpesvirus, etc.) and immune escape
● Immune deficiency, immunological abnormality, cytokine storm and tumorigenesis caused by the viruses
● Biomarkers, immune diagnosis of tropical infectious diseases, those associated with disasters and zoonotic infection (Influenza, Ebola, COVID-19, etc.)
● Molecular biological analysis of immune interaction between immune system and virus
● Virus-related tumors
● HBV/HCV infection, liver hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma
● Infection and immunity for other virus-co-infection pathogens



Journal of Building Design and Environment is an interdisciplinary, international journal. Taking ecological architectural design as its entry point, the journal combines the fields of architectural engineering, architectural aesthetics, sustainable development and urban planning, aiming to provide an open-access academic platform for experts and scholars in the field, publish high-quality academic content and promote the exchange and development of the architectural design field.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Building Design and Environment is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to provide an open-access platform for researchers and experts in the field to publish high-quality academic content and share their findings and ideas and promote the development of Construction Engineering, Environment and Architectural Aesthetics.

Subject areas include but are not limited to:

Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 

Building and Structural Design

Construction Materials

Built Environment

Construction Engineering and Management

Computer Aided-Design and Simulation

Energy and Buildings

Sustainable Development

Urban Planning and Resilience

Architectural Aesthetics and Townscape


Journal of Biomedical Engineering Theory and Practice is an interdisciplinary, international journal which presents original and review articles in the major fields of biomedical engineering. A major aim of BETP is to provide integrated approaches to the solutions of biological and biomedical problems. BETP provide an open access academic platform for experts and scholars in the field, publish high quality academic content and promote communication and development in the field of biomedical engineering.


Journal of Biomedical Engineering Theory and Practice is an interdisciplinary, international journal that aims to provide an open access platform for researchers and experts in the field to publish high-quanlity academic contents and share their findings and ideas and promote the development of biomedical engineering.

Subject areas include but not limited to:



Biomedical Devices & Instrumentation

Biomedical Signal Processing

Human Dynamics

Neural Engineering


Biomedical Imaging & Image Processing

Bio-Micro/Nano Technologies

Cardiovascular Systems Engineering

Cellular Engineering

Clinical Engineering

Tissue Engineering


《工程施工新技术》(Print ISSN: 2811-0609  Online ISSN: 2811-065X )本刊面向工程建设领域,传播和交流国内外先进施工技术和经验,推动全行业的技术进步,使科研成果及时转化为生产力。刊物主要刊载工程建设施工方面的方针政策和技术法规,重大施工技术成就,传播工程施工领域采用的新体系、新技术、新工艺、新材料、新机具、新设备和施工管理经验,以及国内外先进施工技术及其发展动态。论文范围包括但不限于方针政策、地基与基础、道路桥与梁工程、混凝土、既有建筑综合改造、模板与脚手架、钢结构、安装工程、绿色建筑、建筑防水、住宅产业化、信息化建筑材料、工程测量、工程管理、安装工程、规范与标准、水利电力工程、特种工程、建筑结构、市政工程、建筑机械等。


《现代工程项目管理》(Print ISSN: 2811-0625  Online ISSN: 2811-0676 )本刊关注国内外项目管理理论、方法及应用。杂志内容以国内外项目管理的研究成果、行业项目管理应用、案例分析为主体,兼顾项目管理的实用技术和专业报道。主要涉及建筑、工程、航天航空、制造业、信息技术、能源、金融、交通、电信、教育等领域以及咨询服务和政府部门等领域的现代工程项目管理的基本理论、组织模式、组织结构、项目经理与团队管理、决策与定义、计划、绩效管理与评价、采购和合同管理、风险管理、项目竣工与后评估、国际工程项目管理等。服务于政府、企事业单位和公司高层管理者、项目经理,从事项目管理的研究人员,大学管理专业师生和关心项目管理的有关人员。


《地质研究与环境保护》(Print ISSN: 2811-0595  Online ISSN: 2811-0641)本刊主要报道地学领域创新性研究成果,反映地学研究的前沿和进展信息,促进各国同行交流地质科学研究新问题和地质调查新发现,传播地质新理念,持续高效地支撑全球经济发展和环境保护。论文范围包括但不限于基础地质与矿床地质,沉积地质与油气勘探,矿产资源综合利用,水资源与水文地质,环境与可持续发展,工程地质与环境灾害,应用地球物理,大地测量、遥感与地学大数据等。面向国家重点实验室、科研院所、高等院校、企事业单位等从事地学研究工作的科技人员、专家、院校师生等相关人员收稿。


《现代交通与路桥建设》(Print ISSN: 2811-0633  Online ISSN: 2811-0684)本刊重点面向交通规划、交通安全、交通运营、交通控制、交通工程设计、交通信息、交通行为、交通政策、交通管理、智能交通、节能环保和道路桥梁工程等领域。旨在建立相关领域理论与实践之间的桥梁,促进学者、建筑师、工程师和管理者之间的快速交流。收稿范围包括但不限于交通工程/规划、道路桥梁建设、航空运输、海洋和水路运输、智能交通系统、交通建模与仿真、交通安全、物流、城市规划和发展、城市管理、经济和政策、城市基础设施、建设能源、建筑设计研究、建筑环境、灾害管理等。


《农业科技与发展》(ISSN: 2811-0617)该刊重点宣传农业科研实践、农业技术革新的成果、农业科研及相关领域的最新进展,介绍特色资源、农业生产与经济发展状况,旨在为农业科学领域学者创建一个国际学术交流的平台,促进该领域科研和学术的进步,报道农业科学领域前沿性的研究成果及有关重大课题的前期成果,促进该学科领域的学术交流。论文范围包括但不限于农业基础科学与方法、植物生理生化、农业生物技术、农艺、动物科学、植物保护、园艺·园林、资源与环境、土壤肥料、农业信息、水产、农业工程、食品科学、农业经济类等相关学科的学术论文、研究报告以及综述等,刊物注重理论性、学术性以及创新性。


《工程施工与管理》(Print ISSN: 2972-435X Online ISSN: 2972-4368)刊物主要刊载工程建设,施工技术,工程监理,电力建设,水利工程,市政建设,质量安全,规划设计,工程机械,地质勘查等领域的施工管理经验,以及先进施工技术及其发展动态。


《工程技术创新与发展》(Print ISSN:2972-4333 Online ISSN:2972-4341)重点报道工程领域新技术、新工艺、新方法,反映土木、水利、计算机、电子、电气、网络空间安全、机械、控制、地质、材料、化工、矿业、生物等工程领域新成果、新进展,促进工程技术行业的交流与成果展示,为推动工程技术和科学技术发展服务。


Global Economic Perspectives (Print:2972-4813 Online:2972-4821)is an open access, international academic journal dedicated to promoting academic research and knowledge exchange in the global economic field. This journal aims to provide an open platform for economists, scholars, and decision-makers to explore and discuss various aspects of global economic development. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, reviews, and review articles covering various fields of economic theory, methods, and applications.

Aims & Scopes:

It aims to cover various fields of economics worldwide, including but not limited to the following topics:

  1. Global economic development and trend analysis
  2. International Trade and Globalization
  3. Economic Policies and Institutions
  4. Multinational corporations and global value chains
  5. Financial and Monetary Policy
  6. Development Economics and Sustainable Development
  7. Labor Economics and Human Resource Management
  8. Regional Economy and Urban Development
  9. Innovation and Technology Economics
  10. Socioeconomics and Public Policy

We encourage interdisciplinary research methods and theoretical perspectives to promote in-depth understanding and exploration of solutions to global economic problems. Our goal is to become an important platform in the field of global economic research, providing a platform for academia and practitioners to exchange, collaborate, and learn.


The Journal of Education Insights (Print:2972-4856  Online:2972-4864)is an international academic journal aimed at promoting research and knowledge exchange in the field of education. This journal is committed to promoting innovation and development in the field of education, providing an open platform for education practitioners, scholars, and decision-makers to share their insights, experiences, and research results. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, comments, and practical cases covering various educational stages and fields.


The Journal of Education Insights aims to cover a wide range of educational fields, including but not limited to the following themes:

  1. Education Policy and Reform
  2. Teaching and learning methods
  3. Educational Technology and Innovation
  4. Education Evaluation and Measurement
  5. Teacher Professional Development and Training
  6. Cross disciplinary education and comprehensive quality cultivation
  7. Special education and inclusive education
  8. Cross cultural education and international education
  9. Educational Psychology and Learning Theory
  10. Social Justice and Educational Equity

We encourage multiple research methods and theoretical perspectives to promote a deeper understanding of educational issues and the exploration of solutions. Our goal is to become an important academic journal in the field of education, providing a platform for communication, cooperation, and learning for academia and practitioners, and promoting innovation and development in the field of education.


Engineering Technology Trends (Print ISSN:2972-483X  Online ISSN:2972-4848)is an international academic journal aimed at promoting research and knowledge exchange in the field of engineering technology. This journal is dedicated to tracking and reporting on the latest trends, developments, and innovations in the field of engineering technology. We encourage engineering and technology practitioners, scholars, and researchers to share their research achievements, technological applications, and practical experiences. We welcome original and high-quality research papers, technical reports, and review articles covering various engineering and technical fields.


Engineering Technology Trends aims to cover a wide range of engineering technology fields, including but not limited to the following topics:

  1. Emerging Technology Trends and Applications
  2. Engineering Design and Innovation
  3. Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Technology
  4. Electronics and Communication Engineering
  5. Mechanical and Automation Engineering
  6. Architecture and Civil Engineering
  7. Energy and Environmental Engineering
  8. Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology
  9. Computer Science and Information Technology
  10. Engineering Management and Sustainable Development

We encourage interdisciplinary research methods and cross-border cooperation to promote innovation and development in the field of engineering technology. Our goal is to become an important academic journal in the field of engineering technology, providing a platform for communication, cooperation, and learning among academia, engineering practitioners, and decision-makers, and promoting the progress and application of engineering technology.


《现代建筑工程技术》(Print ISSN: 3041-0819 Online ISSN: 3041-0878)主要面向现代建筑工程技术领域收稿,是一本开放获取、在线出版的国际中文学术期刊,专业服务于领域内研究人员与相关从业者。刊发范围包括:现代建筑工程新技术和施工管理经验、工程技术研究与发展、土木工程、建筑学、给水排水工程、建筑环境与设备工程、建筑结构、工程管理、建筑机械工程,建筑经济等领域及施工技术等。


《工程技术与质量管理》Print ISSN:3041-0827 Online ISSN: 3041-086X本刊主要面向工程技术领域与工程质量、工程管理收稿,为工程技术人员提供新思路及先进研究成果。刊发范围内容包括:水利电力、矿业、建筑、道路桥梁、化工、交通、市政工程等工程施工技术,工程技术评估,工程项目经验、知识、成果、质量、安全、规划设计、建筑材料、建筑设备维护检修、工程机械管理等各相关领域。


Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research (Print:3060-8708 Online:3060-8694)is an open access, international academic journal aimed at promoting the latest research and discoveries in the field of clinical medicine. The journal covers a wide range of clinical medical topics, including but not limited to disease diagnosis and treatment, clinical trials, epidemiology, medical imaging, surgical procedures, drug therapy, and medical education. The "Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research" is committed to providing high-quality original research articles, reviews, and case reports, offering updated clinical practice guidelines and the latest medical knowledge to medical professionals. The goal of the journal is to become a leading publication in the field of clinical medicine, contributing to the advancement and innovation of the medical community.


Journal of Construction Engineering Innovations and Research (Print:3060-8716 Online:3060-8724)is an international academic journal dedicated to advancing the latest innovations and research outcomes in the field of construction engineering. The journal covers a wide range of topics in construction engineering, including but not limited to architectural design and planning, structural engineering, construction materials and techniques, building energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, smart building technologies, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and sustainable construction. The aim of the "Journal of Construction Engineering Innovations and Research" is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and scholars in the field of construction engineering to exchange and share the latest research findings, innovative technologies, and industry trends, thereby promoting continuous development and advancement in the field of construction engineering.
