Engineering construction products are complex and diverse, and a lot of manpower, financial resources, material resources, machines and tools need to be invested in the construction. At the same time, according to the characteristics and scale of the construction object, geological, hydrological and climatic conditions, drawings, contracts and the supply of mechanical materials, we need to make full preparations for the construction, construction technology, construction methods and schemes, so as to ensure the technical and economic effect and avoid accidents, which puts forward higher requirements for the engineering construction management and technical personnel. Highway engineering construction workers are the most basic technical and organizational management personnel to complete the highway engineering construction tasks, and they are the organizers and managers of the production line at the construction site. They should command and coordinate the basic technical personnel and labor service personnel at the construction site, so they should strengthen the training of key construction technology knowledge.
The implementation of highway engineering supervision system is an important part of the reform of highway infrastructure management system in China, and is an effective measure to improve the investment efficiency and construction management level. With the rapid development of national highway, the demand for highway engineering supervision technical personnel is increasing. It is urgent to cultivate a certain number of qualified highway engineering supervision personnel. The main task of the supervision in the construction stage of the project is that the supervision engineer must grasp the "five control, two management and one coordination" work from the perspective of organization, technology, contract and economy, that is, quality control, safety control, environmental protection control, cost control, progress control, contract management, information management and organization coordination.
前 言
Chang-Liang Zhao, male, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree, senior engineer, born in Yan’an City, Shaanxi Province in November 1979. He graduated from Chang’an University. Since 2002, he has been engaged in highway engineering construction and maintenance. He has served as the person in charge of many highway engineering projects, participated in and presided over major scheme discussions, with outstanding achievements. He has published many professional papers in national journals.
赵常亮,男,汉族, 1979 年 11 月出生 ,陕西延安人,本科学历,毕业于长安大学,2002 年至今从事公路工程建设及养护工作,高级工程师。曾担任多个公路工程项目负责人,参与主持重大方案研讨,业绩突出,在国家级刊物发表多篇专业论文。
Dong-Jie Chen, female, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree, born in Suzhou City, Anhui Province in October 1972. She graduated from Chang’an University in the major of civil engineering. In 2007, she obtained the qualification certificate of supervision engineer from the Ministry of Communications, and in 2009, she obtained the qualification certificate of test and inspection engineer from the Ministry of Communications. In 2016, she presided over the construction of G310 Huangkou Henan boundary reconstruction project. In 2017, she presided over the completion of the reconstruction project of G237 Dangcheng North Guandimiao section. In 2019, as the chief technical engineer of the project, she presided over the construction of S401 Luwanjie Dangcheng North Cross Longhai railway overpass project. In 2017, she was rated as an Advanced Individual by Anhui Provincial Bureau of Transportation Construction Engineering Quality Supervision.
陈冬洁,女,汉族, 1972 年 10 月生,安徽宿州人,本科学历,毕业于长安大学,土木工程专业。 2007 年取得交通部监理工程师资格证书, 2009 年取得交通部试验检测工程师资格证书。 2016 年主持完成 G310 黄口至河南界改造工程项目施工, 2017年主持完成 G237 砀城北至关帝庙段改建工程项目施工, 2019 年作为项目技术总工主持了 S401 鲁皖界至砀城北上跨陇海铁路立交桥工程的施工建设。 2017 年被安徽省交通建设工程质量监督局评为先进个人。
Pei-Hua Sun, male, the Han nationality, master’s degree, born in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province in March 1984. He graduated from school of civil engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology. He works in Civil Engineering College of Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute. He is a full-time teacher and lecturer, and has obtained the qualification of national associate construction engineer. He was responsible for or participated in the completion of three teaching and research projects at the Institute level, and participated in the compilation of many textbooks. He took part in two excellent online courses at school level and won the honor of excellent instructor in provincial student skills competition for many times.
孙培华,男,汉族, 1984 年 03 月,陕西咸阳人,硕士研究生学历。毕业于西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,就职于陕西工业职业技术学院土木工程学院专职教师,讲师,国家二级建造工程师注册资格。负责或参与完成院级教研科研课题三项,参编教材多本,参与校级精品网络在线课程二项,多次获得省级学生技能比赛优秀指导老师荣誉。