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Rehabilitation Treatment and Evaluation of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Nervous System Diseases
ISBN: 978-981-49-7772-2     Date of Publication: 2021


Therapeutics of neurological diseases is a jewel in the crown of medicine. It attracts a  group of outstanding doctors to go deep into this profession and explore hard for it with its  fine neuroanatomy, strict thinking logic, unique treatment methods, and remarkable  clinical effects. Despite rapid advances in science and technology, there are still no  satisfactory treatments for many difficult and critical neurological diseases, and a large  number of patients are still in a state of isolation and helplessness.            

Nervous system diseases are difficult to diagnose and treat. They are currently  recognized as intractable diseases in the world. Except for a few diseases such as nervous  system infections and individual cerebrovascular diseases that can be completely cured,  other diseases still lack effective means, which seriously threaten people’s health and bring  heavy burden to the family and society. Although modern medicine has made great  progress, nervous system diseases have not yet got rid of the embarrassing situation of  “three elements” (antibiotics, vitamins and glucocorticoids). For thousands of years,  Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of nervous system  diseases, and has certain advantages. However, in the process of sorting out, we found that  many diseases were not fully understood in ancient times, and there was no corresponding  disease name. We could not directly refer to the experience of the ancients. We only need  to study and obtain relevant experience in the actual treatment process.

前 言  

神经系统疾病治疗学是医学皇冠上的一颗明珠,它以精细的神经解剖、严密的 思维逻辑、独特的治疗方法、显著的临床疗效而吸引着一批又一批优秀的医生深入 到这个专业,为之辛勤探索。虽然科学技术的进步迅速,但许多神经病学的疑难、 危重疾病仍然没有满意的治疗方法,大量患者仍处于孤立无援的状态。 

     神经系统疾病诊断疑难、治疗困难,是目前世界上公认的难治性疾病,除神经系统感染、个别脑血管病等少数疾病可以完全治愈之外,其他疾病尚缺乏有效的手段,严重威胁人民群众健康,给家庭和社会带来沉重的负担。虽然现代医学已有了长足发展,但神经系统疾病仍未摆脱“三素”(三素即抗生素、维生素和糖皮质激 素)的尴尬境地。千百年来,中医药在治疗神经系统疾病方面积累了丰富的经验,具有一定的优势。但是,我们在整理的过程中,发现很多疾病在古代没有充分的认识,也没有相对应的病名,无法直接参考古人的经验,只能需要我们在实际治疗过 程中研究并获取相关经验。


Bao Nan, male, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree of medicine, chief technician, born in October 1984 in Zibo, Shandong Province. Now he is working in the first hospital of Zibo City. His research direction is rehabilitation treatment and evaluation of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. He has published 5 professional papers and completed 1 utility model patent.

南宝,男,汉族, 1984 年 10 月生,山东淄博人,本科学历,医学学士,主管技师。现就职于山东省淄博市第一医院。研究方向为中西医结合康复治疗与评定。先后发表专业论文 5 篇,完成实用新型专利 1 项。