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Petroleum Exploitation Technology and Environmental Protection
ISBN: 978-981-5006-01-8     Date of Publication: 2021


In recent years, the world’s oil prices have skyrocketed. China’s energy supply has become increasingly tight; the degree of dependence on foreign oil is more than forty percent. At present, the old oil fields in China have entered the late stage of its development, which makes it more difficult to develop. The newly discovered oil field mostly produce low permeability and heavy oil, which is difficult to use. In this difficult situation, the production of crude oil still increases slightly every year, which relies on the development and application of new technologies, the promotion of new crafts and the continuous improvement of management and technical level of the oilfield development practitioners. At the same time, the issue of resource and environment has become a very important one in today’s world. However, the development and construction of energy and chemical industry base will inevitably bring about environmental problems. When a large number of builders join the development, the environmental problems become increasingly prominent. Nowadays, the environmental pollution and ecological problems caused by petroleum engineering project have attracted both great attention from both China and other foreign countries. If the problems want to be solved fundamentally in order to achieve the harmonies and sustainable development of human, resources and environment, in addition to legislation of the state and government at all levels, the most important thing is to improve the environmental protection awareness of the practitioners and carry out environmental protection education for the builders to realize economic, environmental and social benefits.

前 言



Jun Wei, male, the Han nationality, CPC member, born in December 1986 in Xi’an city, Shaanxi Province. He graduated from Xi’an Shiyou University in 2011. His research direction is oil and gas field development. He is now the deputy director of water injection department of Technology Research Institute of the seventh oil production plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company. In 2011, he won the excellent award of the national petroleum engineering design competition. In 2011, he won the Excellence Award of the National Petroleum Engineering Design Competition. In 2012, he was awarded the title of Plant-level Excellent Technical Management. In 2018, he was awarded the title of Plant-level Excellent Staff. Currently, he is engaged in oilfield water injection management, and has accumulated rich experience in water injection wells, under-injection well management, oilfield water treatment and separate injection management.

魏军,男,汉族, 1986 年 12 月生,陕西西安人,中共党员, 2011 年毕业于西安石油大学,研究方向:油气田开发,现任中国石油长庆油田第七采油厂工艺研究所注水室副主任。 2011 年荣获全国石油工程设计大赛优秀奖, 2012 年获得厂级优秀技术管理称号, 2018 年获得厂级优秀员工称号,目前从事油田注水管理工作,在注水井欠注井治理、油田水处理、注水井分注管理方面积累了丰富的经验。

Zhi Ji, male, the Han nationality, born in October 1985 in Yumen City, Gansu Province, bachelor degree, graduated from China University of Petroleum. He is currently working as a technician in the Dabanliang operation area of the seventh oil production plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield. Research direction: oil and gas field development. He was once an outstanding employee of the seventh oil production plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield and a young meritorious individual at the seventh oil production plant of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield. During his work, he was honest, self-disciplined, and dedicated to his work. He sets himself an example to others and has the courage to give. He published 2 papers in national journals.

吉智,男,汉族, 1985 年 10 月生,甘肃玉门人,本科学历,毕业于中国石油大学,现从事长庆油田第七采油厂大板梁作业区技术员,研究方向:油气田开发,曾获得长庆油田第七采油厂优秀员工、长庆油田第七采油厂青年立功个人,工作期间廉洁自律,爱岗敬业,以身作则,勇于奉献。在国家期刊发表论文 2 篇。

Dan Fan, male, the Han nationality, born in March 1984 in Tianjin city, bachelor’s degree, graduated from the Petroleum Engineering Department of Yangtze University. He has been engaged in exploration, well completion, well workover and other geological research projects of CNOOC Bohai oilfield, Donghai oilfield, Western and eastern South China Sea for many years.

范丹,男,汉族, 1984 年 3 月生,天津人,本科学历,毕业于长江大学石油工程系,多年来一直进行中国海洋石油渤海油田、东海油田、南海西部、南海东部,勘探、完井、修井地质研究等工程。