As the basic industry of national economy, mining industry plays an important role in the process of industrial construction and development. With the continuous development of mineral resources, shallow easy to mine resources are decreasing, and the proportion of underground mining is gradually increasing. How to mine underground mineral resources safely and efficiently depends on the quality of mine design to a great extent. Underground mine design is a complex, systematic and comprehensive planning and design of underground mine exploitation, with the mining major as the main body, supplemented by other relevant professional knowledge. Coal industry is the basic industry in China. To develop and revitalize the coal industry, the construction of talent team is the key. In order to implement the strategy of large base and large group, promote economical development, clean development and safe development, and realize sustainable development, a strong professional and technical team must be taken as the guarantee. At present, the coal industry has entered a new historical development opportunity period, but at the same time, it is facing the severe challenges of lack of professional personnel and lagging knowledge updating of coal main body.
At present, the global and regional environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, which has become the main factor limiting the economic and social development of all countries. It is very urgent to solve the environmental problems. The environmental problem is also one of the difficulties faced by China’s economic and social development, especially in the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization, this problem has become more prominent. China attaches great importance to environmental protection and actively promotes the construction process of ecological civilization in China. The environmental governance in China has never been achieved before. The process of environmental protection and ecological civilization construction has been accelerated obviously, and the environmental quality has been improved. This book mainly introduces the situation of mining and coal development from the perspective of mining technology and management. The development, protection and utilization of mineral resources is an important project of China’s social development, which needs scientific and reasonable management and control, and takes the road of sustainable development of ecological civilization.
前 言
采矿工业作为国民经济基础产业在工业建设与发展过程中占有重要地位。随着矿产资源的不断开发,浅部易采资源量不断减少,地下矿山开采的比重逐渐增加。如何安全、高效地开采地下矿产资源,在很大程度上取决于矿山设计的质量。地下矿山设计是以采矿专业为主体, 辅以其他相关专业知识, 对地下矿床开采进行复杂、系统、综合地规划与设计。
Jin-Yang Fu, male, the Han nationality, CPC member, bachelor’s degree, born in Linyi City, Shandong Province in November 1982. He graduated from Shandong University of Science and Technology majored in mining engineering in 2007 and at the same year, he took part in Wanglou Coal Mine of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group Co., Ltd. In 2012, he was transferred to the Design Institute of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group Co., Ltd. He has successively designed and constructed the hoisting shaft, shaft bottom yard, mining area downhill and other major single projects. He has unique views on fully mechanized mining, fully mechanized caving technology and roadway excavation in rock burst mines and mines with complex hydrogeological conditions. He has published 13 papers in Modern Mining, Shandong Coal Science and Technology and other professional magazines, and won the honorary title of “Excellent Communist Party member” for many times.
付金阳,男,汉族, 1982 年 11 月生,山东临沂人,中共党员。 2007 年毕业于山东科技大学采矿工程专业,本科学历。 2007 年就业于临矿集团王楼煤矿, 2012 年调至临矿集团设计院。先后设计并施工了提升井井筒、井底车场、采区下山等重大单项工程,对冲击地压矿井和水文地质条件复杂矿井的的综采、综放工艺及巷道掘进均有独特的见解。先后在《现代矿业》、《山东煤炭科技》等专业杂志上发表论文 13篇,并多次获得“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号。
Xin Zhang, male, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree, born in Jining City, Shandong Province in April 1987. At present, he works in the production and technology section of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group Co., Ltd. serving as the section chief. He graduated from Shandong University of Science and Technology majored in mining engineering in January 2015. On December 31, 2016, he obtained the title of mining engineer. He studies the support of coal mine roadway.
张信,男,汉族, 1987 年 4 月生,山东济宁人,本科学历,现就职于山东能源临沂矿业集团生产技术处科长 2015 年 1 月毕业于山东科技大学采矿工程专业, 2016 年12 月 31 日取得矿山开采工程师职称,研究煤矿巷道支护方面。
Ming-Peng Zhan, male, the Han nationality, master’s degree of engineering, senior engineer of mining, first grade constructor, safety engineer, born in Tai’an City, Shandong Province in May 1977. He published 2 monographs and 10 papers, obtained 2 utility model patents, 2 soft works and 1 topic and compiled 3 enterprise standards. “Geological disasters caused by mining and its impact on the ecological environment of mining area” won the first prize of key research achievements of the 13th five year plan of Information Security Association of Xiangyang. “Research on disposal technology of mine shaft freezing and thawing water in desertification area” won the excellent paper award of the third National High Level Forum on coal mine machinery safety equipment technology development and new technology exchange meeting.
展明鹏,男,汉族, 1977 年 5 月生,山东泰安人,山东科技大学矿业工程硕士,采矿高级工程师、一级建造师、安全工程师。发表专著 2 部、论文 10 篇、实用新型专利 2 个、软著 2 个、课题 1 个、企业标准 3 个。《采矿引起的地质灾害及其对矿区生态环境影响的研究》获襄阳信息安全协会十三五建筑规划重点科研课题成果壹等奖《荒漠化地区矿井井筒冻融出水处置技术研究》获第三届全国煤矿机械安全装备技术发展高层论坛暨新技术交流会论文优秀奖。