Special equipment refers to life-threatening and dangerous facilities and equipment, mainly including pressure pipes, lifting machinery, boilers, large amusement facilities, etc. In order to protect people’s safety and maintain social harmony, special equipment safety detection technology plays an important role. The development of safety detection technology can contribute to the elimination of potential accidents.
As an indispensable production facility of modern enterprises, special equipment safety problems should be seriously dealt with, and the problems should be prevented from being found. Special equipment not only improves people’s life interest, improves the efficiency of enterprise production and operation, but also plays a great role in the value-added of national economy. The purpose of safety monitoring is to eliminate potential safety hazards and provide effective guarantee for people’s safety.
From the early stage of socialist economic construction to now, the research and development of special equipment has never stopped. For the rapid development of special equipment system, the progress of safety detection technology can not be ignored. At the same time, in order to protect people's safety and maintain social harmony and stability, the safety detection technology of special equipment can not be ignored. In order to avoid accidents, the standardization and progress of safety detection technology can make us take precautions.
前 言
我国从社会主义经济建设初期到现在,特种设备的研发与进步就没有停止过。针对日新月异的特种设备系统,安全检测技术的进展同样是不可忽视的。在特种设备为社会做出贡献的同时,为保障人民的安全,维护社会的和谐稳定,特种设备安全检测技术是不容忽视的。 在避免事故发生上, 安全检测技术的规范统一及其进步,让我们做到防患于未然。
Jun Li, female, the Han nationality, CPC member, bachelor’s degree, born in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province in January 1980. She graduated from Heilongjiang Provincial Party School. She is a representative of the 17th National People’s Congress at the county. Since taking part in the work, she has completed more than 10000 sets of inspection equipment, participated in the inspection of large boilers and three types of containers, and played an advisory and assistant role in the installation process of boilers and containers in Nuobao New Energy Company and Juxinsheng Materials Company, providing scientific basis for enterprise decision-making. She once won the first place in the container category in the theoretical knowledge business competition of inspectors organized by the Provincial Bureau, and has obtained a number of utility model patents and published several papers.
李君,女,汉族, 1980 年 1 月生,黑龙江黑河人,毕业于黑龙江省省委党校,本科学历,中共党员,县级第十七届人大代表。参加工作以来,共计完成检验设备 10000余台,参与了大型锅炉和三类容器检验,在诺宝新能源公司和聚鑫生物质公司的锅炉和容器的安装过程发挥了参谋、助手作用,为企业的决策提供科学依据。曾在省局组织的检验人员理论知识业务大比武中,获得容器类全省第一名;先后获得多项实用新型专利,发表论文数篇。
Xin-Hui Zhuang, female, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree, born in Linyi City, Shandong Province in July 1984. She graduated from Hefei University of Technology majored in material forming and control engineering in June 2009. At present, she works in Linyi Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute and is engaged in special equipment inspection and testing work. In 2018, she was rated as the mediate engineer.
庄新会,女,汉族, 1984 年 7 月生,山东临沂人,本科学历, 2009 年 6 月毕业于合肥工业大学,材料成型及控制工程专业,现就职于临沂市特种设备检验研究院,从事特种设备检验检测工作, 2018 年任中级工程师。
Chao Wang, male, the Han nationality, bachelor’s degree, born in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province in July 1974. He graduated from Northeast Electric Power University majored in thermal energy and power engineering. In 2016, he obtained the qualification certificate of magnetic particle and penetrant inspector. He participated in the preparation of “nondestructive testing room testing operation instruction” in the system document of Heihe Special Equipment Inspection Institute. He participated in the nondestructive testing of many boilers and pressure vessels, such as Heihe thermal power plant, Heihe liquefied gas station, Nenjiang liquefied gas station, Nenjiang Shengye thermal power plant and Xunke liquefied gas station, to ensure the safe operation of boilers and pressure vessels.
王超,男,汉族, 1974 年 7 月生,黑龙江黑河人,毕业于东北电力大学热能与动力工程专业,本科学历。 2016 年考取了磁粉和渗透检测员资格证书。参与编写黑河市特种设备检验研究所体系文件中《无损探伤检测室检测作业指导书》。参与黑河市热电厂、黑河市液化气站、嫩江市液化气站、嫩江盛烨热电、逊克县液化气站等多台锅炉、压力容器的无损探伤检测工作,确保锅炉、压力容器安全运行。