改革开放 40 年以来, 我国经济社会各个方面都发生了翻天覆地的变化, 其中城镇化进程的快速发展使得村镇面貌发生了显著改变。然而,在城乡经济快速发展、居民物质生活条件大幅改善提高的同时,村镇的环境质量却每况愈下,究其原因,在于城镇化发展的不均衡,其中, “有水皆污”的水环境问题尤为突出。
村镇的生活污水处理是我国城镇化建设中的重要环节,直接影响到村镇建设的成果和质量。而且对于村镇居民本身而言,良好的污水处理系统可以提高地区的环境指数,保护居民用水安全,减少水源的污染,提高村镇居民的生活质量,对于居民来说同样是很重要的。所以村镇生活污水处理系统的建设是一项利国利民的工程。完成这一工程可以综合性的运用不同的污水处理技术, 通过技术的相互补充和组合,进一步提高污水处理系统的能力,提高我国村镇污水的处理能力。
建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)是以建筑工程项目的各项相关信息数据作为基础,建立起三维的建筑模型, 通过数字信息仿真模拟建筑物所具有的真实信息。它具有信息完备性、信息关联性、信息一致性、 可视化、协调性、模拟性、优化性和可出图性八大特点,将建设单位、设计单位、施工单位、监理单位等项目参与方在同一平台上,共享同一建筑信息模型, 利于项目可视化、精细化建造。
现代大中型建设项目一般都具有投资金额大、建设周期长、参与单位多、项目复杂程度高、 全生命周期信息量大等特点, 传统的项目管理方法就显得力不从心了。BIM 技术的应用在一定程度上解决了这一问题。随着 BIM 技术的不断发展和完善,已有很多 BIM 应用的成功案例。相信随着 BIM 相关理论和实践技术的不断发展,将会为建筑行业带来更大的惊喜。
鉴于以上的建筑业 BIM 行业形势,建筑信息化要求,明确提出:技术的研究与应用应该从原有的设计阶段向施工阶段扩展,加大两者之间的交流,从而减少过程中产生的信息流失程度;如何将技术与多维的项目管理进行集成,以便应用在大型的项目基于技术的建筑工程成本管理系统工程施工,实现项目全生命周期可视化信息管理。同时为了培养技术方面的专业人员,工程硕士班也在国内的相关大学中建立了起来。在行业内,已经从前期的设计院、 施工单位和咨询单位过渡到业主方面,更多的业主通过技术来完成项目的管理,各大房地产公司也在努力将技术应用到企业中去,并以此作为企业未来的核心竞争力。
目前, 国内 BIM 应用正在不断发展, 形势一片大好, 加快建筑信息模型(BIM) 、基于网络的协同工作等新技术在工程中的应用,推动信息化标准建设的目标,同时启动中国 BIM 标准的制订工作。我国政府这一系列的措施必定对我国的 BIM 应用产生巨大的推动作用。在当前 BIM 正蓬勃发展的大好形势下,对我国应用 BIM 的过程中在理论上和实践上所收获的很多成果进行总结和整理, 无疑对推动 BIM 在下一阶段的应用和发展是大有裨益的。
The quality of a construction project is not only related to the applicability of the project and the investment effect of the construction project, but also to the people’s life and property safety. The process of engineering construction is the process of quality formation. Persisting in handling work in accordance with project construction procedures and controlling the quality of each stage of the construction process is the key to ensuring project quality. The characteristics of construction project quality are determined by the characteristics of the construction project itself and the characteristics of construction production.
Based on the above characteristics of the construction project, the quality of the construction project itself has the following characteristics:
1. There are many influencing factors. The quality of construction projects is affected by many factors such as design level, quality of materials, advanced construction methods, technical measures, personnel quality, and construction period.
2. Quality concealment. In the construction process of construction projects, there are many hidden projects and many crossovers between working procedures. Therefore, the engineering quality has great concealment.
3. Limitations of final inspection. After the project is completed, it is impossible to judge the product quality by final inspection like general industrial products, or to disassemble the product to check its internal quality. Therefore, the final inspection of the project has great limitations.
Project cost control runs through the whole process of construction project decision-making, design, bidding, construction, and completion acceptance. In the construction project, the quality of the project is closely related to the project cost. Cost control and quality improvement are the direction for all construction projects to make every effort. On the surface, project cost and project quality seem to be a contradictory complex. Therefore, it is planned to write the book Modern Building Construction and Cost. The construction and construction cost are classified and explained, and the influence relationship between the two is actively studied. The author hopes to provide a certain reference for the majority of the same industry.
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2.质量隐蔽性。建设工程在施工过程中, 隐蔽工程特别多、时间产品特别多、工序交接交叉多。因此,工程质量存在很大的隐蔽性。
The construction industry promotes economic development and improves people’s production and living environment. In the period of rapid development of the construction industry, quality and safety accidents are prone to occur in the construction management, which lead to the rise of project cost, delay of construction period, casualties and other situations, and affect the completion of the project.
However, as the economy develops faster and faster, the drawbacks of various industries have also emerged. As the foundation of the people’s “living”, the construction industry has always adhered to the principle of “quality as the foundation, to be stable and orderly. However, it can be obtained from the news media and various channels that jerry-built projects have appeared more and more frequently in recent years, and many people are worried about this. In this case, it is particularly important to improve the construction technology level of construction projects and strengthen on-site construction management, thereby enhancing the quality of housing construction.
With the continuous improvement of the current urbanization level and the continuous expansion of the scale of the city, the quality of construction projects has received more and more attention. Under the development of modern economy, the quality of various construction projects has received more and more attention from all walks of life, so the market competition of construction projects has become more and more intense. Only by continuously improving the quality of construction projects and meeting the needs of the people can the sustainable and stable development of the modern construction industry be realized.
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随着当前城镇化水平的不断提升,城市规模不断扩大,相关建筑工程质量受到了越来越多的关注,尤其是在现代经济发展之下,更是加大了对于各类建筑工程项目的质量重视,因此也就使得建筑工程的市场竞争力变得越来越大。只有不断提升建筑工程质量, 满足人民群众的需求, 才能实现现代化建筑行业的可持续稳定发展。