随着我国经济的不断发展和信息化技术的不断加强,越来越多的行业已经与信 息技术联手,共同打造出了一个全新的天地。在土地开发整理的过程中,利用了测 绘技术的信息化处理,不仅使土地开发的精确度增强,而且节约了开发成本。 在土地的开发整理过程中,测绘技术贯穿整个工程项目,测绘技术在土地开发 的各个阶段的勘测图会会根据实际的需要有着不同的作用和意义,能够为整个土地 开发提供科学的信息指导,对于土地开发的每个细节流程提供科学的依据,在每个 阶段进行决策时,提供合理的决策信息,能够节约土地开发的资金成本和缩短时间 的工程流程,加快工期进度。在开展土地开发的前期,最原始和最基本的数据就是 测绘数据,同时,测绘数据也是整个项目计划、开展和完成的基础保障数据。 随着我国土地开发整理的不断发展,测绘技术要求也越来越高,并且贯穿在整 个土地开发整理的过程之中。然而在实际的发展之中,我们依旧需要进行测绘技术 的完善和研究,使其更好地适应我国土地开发整理工作的需要,并且将测绘技术管 理进行细化,使不同的土地开发整理,都会有相应的测绘技术支撑,大大节省技术 成本和提高施工的精确度。在未来,随着现代化科学技术的不断完善,测绘技术在 土地开发整理的应用上会有更好的发展前景。
What is landscape? The original meaning of landscape is light. It is mentioned in Shuo Wen that landscape is the light. It is noted by Yucai Duan that where is the light, where is the shadow. Light and shadow make the image exist. So the landscape has the meaning of images. What is viewing? Viewing is to scanning so that viewing can refer to images. Anshi Wang, a Chinese poet, said that the most extraordinary view of the world is often located in remote and dangerous places. Therefore, the word “scenery” also has a lot of repeated synonyms. Generally speaking, one word “landscape” is enough, such as city view, street view, sea view, etc. In ancient Chinese books, gardens, according to their different natures, are also called Yu, Yuan (park), Yuan (garden), courtyard, Bieye, Shanzhuang (villa), etc. The concept of modern gardens is much larger than that of traditional gardens. With the further development of landscape architecture research and the development of theory and practice, Dr. Binyi Liu proposed a new concept “Landscape Studies”, that is, landscape architecture, which expanded from landscape planning, design and construction to include the management of landscape resources, heritage protection and other aspects of research, and even pure theoretical research.
Landscape engineering refers to the use and transformation of natural landscape or artificial landscape in a certain area, combined with plant planting and architectural layout, so as to form a whole process of landscape environment for people to watch, travel and live. Landscape engineering is a subject that studies how to create a beautiful and pleasantlandscape environment, such as the engineering design, engineering management, construction technology and principle, the use of new materials and new technologies in landscape architecture. Modern urban landscape plays an increasingly important role in urban construction, mainly because landscape is not only ornamental, but also bears theimportant responsibility of protecting urban ecological environment. At present, as an important part of urban ecological environment and cultural atmosphere construction, landscape planning and design are of great significance.
前 言
何谓景?景的本意是光,《说文》:“景,”光也。”段玉裁注:“光所在处,物皆有阴。有光必有影,光和影共同成就了象,所以景具有象的含义。何谓观?《说文》:“观,谛视也。”谛的意思是审视。由此,观也引申出景象的意思,王安石名句:“而世之奇伟瑰怪非常之观,常在于险远。”所以景观二字也有很大同义反复的成分,一般用一个景字已经足矣,如城景、街景、海景等。园林在中国古籍里根据不同性质也称作囿(柚)、苑、园、庭园、别业、山庄等,现代园林的概念与传统的园林相比要大得多。随着风景园林研究的进一步深入,理论和实践的发展,刘滨谊博士提出了一个新的概念“Landscape Studies”,即景观学,使风景园林从景观规划设计与建造扩展为包括景观资源的管理,遗产的保护等方面的研究,甚至包括纯理论方面的研究。
土木工程是工程项目建设过程中至关重要的一环,其对工程质量、进度和安全 起着举足轻重的作用,因此加强土木工程施工项目管理有利于提高工程质量,保障 施工进度,确保施工安全。本文首先简要分析了当前土木工程施工过程中所存在的 问题,然后从工程质量、进度和安全三个角度进一步论述了强化施工项目管理的方 法对策,旨在提高土木工程的建设水平。 随着我国社会经济的蓬勃发展以及城市建设的迫切需求,建筑工程项目在城市 的各个角落遍地生花,得到了巨大的发展空间。土木工程作为整个工程项目过程中 至关重要的一环,直接影响着建筑工程整体的质量、进度和安全等诸多方面,因此 加强土木工程施工管理力度,有利于提高工程质量,保障施工进度,确保施工安全, 这对于提高土木工程整体水平有着十分重要的意义。 建筑行业发展不断到达新高度,土木工程建设质量得到各界人士的广泛关注, 其项目管理水平高低直接关系着土木工程建设质量,因此,要充分认识项目管理的 重要性,以及对建筑项目社会效益和功能性的影响。采取有效的管理措施,前提制 定完善的项目管理制度,保证工程项目有序进行,以达到工程建设预期目标。在此 基础上,合理规划施工周期,从而创造更大经济收益,提升工程项目整体的社会价 值,对土木工程良好发展起到促进作用。
With the new development of basic medical science and laboratory technology, the laboratory application of immunocytology, cytogenetics and molecular biology, automatic cell morphology analyzer and flow cytometry, the diagnosis basis of hematological diseases has gradually developed from the observation of cell morphology under light microscope to the examination form of multidisciplinary fusion. In practice, the examination of cell morphology still plays an important role. The application of various techniques improves the accuracy of the diagnosis of blood diseases and plays an important role in judging the prognosis.
The development direction of Hematology in the future is to explore new therapeutic targets, biological effect therapy and gene therapy, which pose new challenges to the development of molecular pathological diagnosis of Hematology. The development of Hematology ultimately depends on the progress of diagnostic technology. Classical cytomorphological diagnosis technology, combined with flow cytometry, immunolabeling, molecular genetics, genomics and proteomics, has become the necessary technology for accurate diagnosis of hematological diseases, and even the standard for diagnosis of some diseases.
前 言
随着医学基础科学和实验室技术的新发展,免疫细胞学、细胞遗传学和分子生物学,全自动细胞形态分析仪以及流式细胞仪的实验室应用,血液病的诊断依据由原来的以光学显微镜细胞形态观察为主逐渐发展为多学科融合的检查形式。实践中细胞形态的检查仍占重要地位, 多种技术的检验应用为血液病的诊断提高了准确性,在判断预后方面起重要作用。
基层图书馆作为我国国民文化教育的重要基地,在促进我国现代化建设特别是 文化建设方面,以及提高国民文化素质方面都发挥着关键的作用。在知识经济时代 的大背景下,我国必须清楚的认识到基层图书馆在发展过程中存在的问题,并根据 社会发展的趋势明确现代图书馆发展的方向,使基层图书馆更好的为我国的现代化 建设服务。 随着中国的崛起以及世界经济一体化进程的不断加快,我国在提升综合国力和 扩大国际影响力方面越来越需要文化软实力的支撑。各地区的图书馆作为致力于共 享知识的公共机构,应该充分发挥其文化导向作用,为广大群众读者提供优质的服 务,促进文化知识的有效传播,使我国的现代化建设的进程能够稳步推进。同时, 知识经济时代的到来使得信息资料异常丰富,人们对于信息的需求也越来越多样化, 信息化和数字化已经成为社会上各种企业、单位和组织机构的重要发展趋势,相关 部门要充分认识到这一现状,加强基层图书馆的现代化建设,使其紧跟时代发展的 步伐,更好的为我国的现代化建设服务。