建筑是人类从事各种活动的主要场所,建筑业的发展是现代经济社会发展的重 要推动力量,它对拉动经济发展,促进社会进步起到了关键作用。近年来,随着建 筑业的技术水平与管理能力不断提升,掀起了中国建筑工程的建设热潮,但是,建筑能耗高、能效低下的粗放型发展模式并未彻底改变,我国建筑行业弊端逐渐凸显, 绿色建筑理念成为建筑业发展的必然趋势,对于我国建筑工程管理有着重要的改革作用。 以人为本和生态文明建设是我国的一项基本国策。发展绿色建筑,建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会,走可持续发展的道路体现了人民意愿和国家意志,也是人类社会的发展方向。离开建筑的绿色化本质来谈论建筑的时代已经成为过去。以绿色化生态文明为标志的绿色建筑时代正在向我们走来。传统的建筑设计理念必然被 绿色建筑设计理念取而代之。 绿色建筑作为解决地球上日益严峻环境问题挑战的一种有效方式,旨在保证人们在健康、舒适和高效的人工环境基础上最大限度节约资源和保护环境生态系统, 以达到人与自然的和谐共生及可持续发展的目标。绿色建筑作为一种综合性理念, 要求设计者,施工者、使用者和维护管理人员等充分考虑建筑在全生命周期内对场地、能源、材料和水资源的高效利用以及室内环境、施工和运行的优化管理等各方 面影响因素。近年来,不断有研究指出绿色建筑在考虑以上因素之外,还应该重视 其对社会经济、文化和艺术等方面的影响,以便因地制宜地推进绿色建筑的产业化和市场化。 绿色建筑体现了人与自然和谐共存,顺应时代发展的潮流和社会民生的需求, 是建筑节能和建筑业可持续发展的迫切需要。不仅涉及老百姓的生活质量,而且也是关系国计民生的大事业,全面推进建筑节能与推广绿色建筑已成为我国住房和城 乡建设领域推进节能减排的重要战略措施之一。 绿色施工作为绿色建筑全寿命周期中的重要一环,是可持续发展思想在工程施工中的应用。它随着可持续发展和环境保护的要求而产生,并将整体预防的环境战 略持续应用到建筑产品的制造过程中,在做到质量优良、安全保障、施工文明等目标的同时,尽可能减少对环境的破坏及危害,以期达到降耗、增效和环保效果的最大化。
In the process of housing construction project, in order to ensure the orderly development of the project, reasonable cost control and comprehensive security guarantee, it is essential to pay attention to the development and optimization of management. The actual management work needs to adjust and match the materials, materials, personnel and technology of the construction site. Through the optimization of the overall project implementation effect, the efficiency and construction level of the project can be ensured.
Civil engineering project management is a specific and detailed content. Through the analysis of the content of civil engineering structure, the actual economic structure changes and development optimization level are determined. The actual form and development level of civil engineering are promoted and promoted to expand the characteristics of economic development form. In depth analysis of the characteristics of human natural transformation forms, the scale effect of various buildings, modeling, the complexity of science and technology level are judged, the actual scientific and technological effect of various building materials in construction, the specific construction characteristics of traditional civil engineering, and the specific challenges of civil engineering project construction management are analyzed. Through the analysis of the specific characteristics of scientific and technological forms, innovative methods, starting from the demand, accurately judge the characteristics of civil engineering project management, clearly grasp the overall construction development trend of civil engineering, and strengthen the judgment of comprehensive economic knowledge and the analysis of the trend of the times.
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After General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on September 18, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin has become a national strategy. Local governments at all levels have increased their efforts to protect and develop the Yellow River Basin. The new situation and new requirements presented new challenges to high-quality development of Dongping Lake. In order to strengthen the development of characteristic industries, the development of cultural tourism resources, the construction of urban and rural areas, and the layout of transportation facilities, the stability of the river must be the prerequisite. Ensure the concept of Dongping Lake’s flood prevention and safety barriers, establish the long-term goal of building a “happy river and lake”, and strive to provide Dongping Lake and surrounding areas with “high-quality water resources, healthy water ecology, livable water environment, and advanced water culture” to ensure Dongping lake can store water, drain water, hold floods, supply water, open to navigation, and maintain ecological diversity.
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Energy is the material basis for the survival and development of human society, and its importance is self-evident. The increasingly prominent problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution greatly enhance the status of new energy and renewable energy in the field of energy. Solar energy, wind energy, water energy, biomass energy, geothermal energy, marine energy and other energy technologies have also developed rapidly in recent years. In order to overcome the difference between energy supply and energy demand in time and space, it is necessary to use certain methods, through certain media or devices, to directly or indirectly convert one form of energy into another form of energy for storage, and release it when energy is needed. Energy storage technology is a variety of methods to study energy storage.
The traditional power system, which is a real-time balance system formed by a set of generation side variables and a group of power consumption side variables, has the characteristics of instant generation and use. There are generally large peak valley changes in the load on the power side, which brings great pressure to the power generation side and causes many disadvantages of the power system. By using energy storage technology, the surplus power can be stored and sent out at an appropriate time, so as to realize the function of energy storage “regulation, optimization, efficiency increase and protection” in the power system. This can make the power distribution flexible, optimize the system resource allocation, improve the operation efficiency and ensure the stable operation of the system. The development of energy storage technology is to ensure the continuous process of energy utilization. It is very important in human daily life and industrial production, such as electric power industry, new energy vehicles, solar thermal utilization and other fields, and it is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of energy.
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With the improvement of people’s living standards, the requirements for housing construction are constantly improving. From an objective point of view, in the current housing construction, the foundation engineering is a decisive component, which will affect the construction results of the project in many aspects, such as the service life of the house, the living environment and office efficiency. For this reason, in the future, housing construction must choose reasonable foundation engineering construction technology in many aspects according to objective needs, complete the soundness of the technical system and the improvement of the construction level, so as to provide more help for housing construction.
As the population continues to increase, the demand for housing has been much higher, so housing construction projects have been the focus of the society. Housing construction belongs to the people’s livelihood project and also has an important impact on the national economy. Construction engineering will use a lot of construction technology, but in the actual construction process, there may be some technical problems that affect the quality of the project. In the process of house construction, foundation engineering is a very important link. As the foundation of the house, the safety and stability of the foundation are directly related to the security of lives and property of the people.
Foundation engineering has always been a very important part of housing construction projects. It will not only directly affect the quality of the housing construction, but also affect its safety and stability in use. Therefore, this book analyzes the construction technology and inspection of the foundation engineering of housing construction to provide an effective guarantee for the construction quality.
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