随着城市的发展,人们的生活水平不断提升,百姓衣食住行发生了很大变化,使得大量的农村人口涌入城市,给城市的交通带来了严重的问题。虽然,我国的城市交通规划工作已经给城市中生活的人民带来了很大的福利,但是,在城市化快速发展的新形势下,城市交通规划工作仍然面临着许多问题。 当今世界经济的发展是建立在日益发达的交通运输上,发达的交通运输是一个国家经济发展必不可少的。发达国家已建成了四通八达的现代化国家交通网,经济得到了更进一步的发展,社会更加的繁荣,人类的物质文明和精神文明发展到了空前的阶段。但是随着经济的发展,发达的交通网已满足不了交通量日益增长的需要。汽车的增多,人们的乘坐飞机频率的提高,及物品的交换的增多,使得交通拥挤阻塞现象日趋严重。 城市交通规划与智能交通系统是十分重要的,小到关系着城市的交通便利,大到关系着城市的经济发展水平。面临着我国城市交通规划的K新形势,我国必须针对这些新形势对城市交通规划作出相应的改革和完善,尤其是城市交通规划工作中的要点,直接关系着城市交通规划的好坏,因此必须下大力气,尽最大努力,对这方面问题进行研究探索,从而为我国城市的交通事业,为我国的经济又快又好的发展作出更大的贡献。
随着社会的不断发展,我国优秀的传统文化产业越来越在人们心中占有至关重要的地位,我国宣传并传播传统文化的方式有很多,但最直接、最有效的方式还是以博物馆为载体,博物馆通过收藏并展览展品的方式向大家传播我国优秀的传统特色文化。我国的文物局在 2012 年 12 月曾经发布文件指出如何有效加强博物馆陈列展览,也指出是博物馆向社会奉献出最重要的精神文化也是博物馆开展教育、公共服务、实现社会职能的重要手段。 因此,博物馆的展览陈列应对社会发挥出至关重要的作用。对于博物馆日常的展览而言,展览设计是十分重要的,博物馆的展览陈列技巧就是指用有限的资金将展品有效展现给大众,进而传播博物馆的价值、特色和民族内涵。 社会水平的提高带动着人们的消费水平的提高,同时现在社会的人们对文化水平的要求也逐渐提高。因此,加强并完善博物馆的展品类型,运用美学的陈列设计来提高博物馆的整体水平并进行文化创新,这样博物馆才更能展示出其独特的文化价值。博物馆利用科学的陈列设计吸引参观者来格外关注博物馆中的展品的历史价值,也能让参观者通过博物馆的展览更加直观地感受到展品的文化价值,这会促使大家更加积极主动服务于社会,进而博物馆的利益最大化,发挥我国传统文化的魅力。
Today, China is in a critical period of development. With the development of knowledge economy and information technology, human resources are the most important resources compared with other natural resources, capital resources and information resources. More and more organizations and enterprises attach importance to human resource management. Nowadays, the traditional personnel management has been unable to adapt to the complex market and organizational development.. Therefore, many excellent organizations and enterprises at home and abroad regard human resource management as a strategic issue and regard human resource as the core competitiveness of the organization. Through the optimization and integration of human resource management and enterprise resources, human resources can be matched with various activities to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization and the enterprise.
With the continuous development of China’s economy, enterprises and other employers show a strong demand for all kinds of talents. However, in the hot recruitment activities, enterprises and other employers are unable to recruit talents that meet their own needs, and college students can not find their favorite work units. This phenomenon leads to the employment situation of college students is not optimistic, and the employment rate is reduced. Under the influence of this employment situation, the employment pressure of college students has become increasingly prominent, and even some freshmen who have just entered the school have felt the urgency of employment, resulting in inferiority, anxiety and other negative emotions. We should deeply reflect on the importance, necessity and possible path of managing the employment pressure of college students.
How to alleviate the employment pressure of college students is worthy of common reflection from all walks of life. In the final analysis, we still need to start from college students themselves, and the fundamental strategy is to enhance the employment competitiveness of college students.
前 言
而随着中国经济的不断发展,企业等用人单位表现出了对各类人才的强烈需求。但在火热的人才招聘活动中, 却出现了企业等用人单位无法招聘到符合自己需求的人才,而大学生应聘者也找不到自已心仪的工作单位的情况。这一现象的出现,导致大学生就业形势不容乐观,就业率降低。受这种就业形势的影响,大学生就业压力日渐突出,甚至一些刚刚迈入校门的新生都已经感到了这种就业的紧迫感,产生了自卑、焦虑等不良情绪。我们应该深刻反思对大学生就业压力进行管理的重要性、必要性和可能的路径。如何缓解大学生的就业压力,值得社会各界人士共同反思。归根结底,还是需要从大学生自身做起,提升大学生的就业竞争力方是根本之策。
Civil engineering materials refer to all kinds of materials used in civil engineering. Engineering materials are the material basis of civil engineering. The performance and quality of engineering materials directly affect the basic requirements of firmness, applicability, economy and aesthetics of engineering. In the civil engineering cost, the material cost accounts for a large proportion, generally about 60%. If we can use the building materials economically and reasonably, reduce the loss, we can reduce the project cost and improve the economic benefits.
In the process of engineering design and construction, it is bound to be restricted by the variety and performance of engineering materials, and the emergence of new materials promotes the development of architectural and structural forms, the improvement of structural design methods and the innovation of construction technology. The progress of material science and technology promotes the development of building engineering technology; the emergence of light and high strength materials promotes the development of modern buildings to high-rise and large span. With the development of new thermal insulation materials, waterproof materials, sound-absorbing materials and various decorative materials, the functions of buildings have been improved.
All buildings and structures are made of different materials. Materials with different properties play different roles in various parts, such as structural materials should have required mechanical properties; roof materials should have thermal insulation and impermeability; ground materials should have wear resistance; materials exposed to atmospheric environment for a long time should be able to withstand wind, rain, sunlight, freezing and so on, that is to say, they have good durability. Mastering the nature of civil engineering materials is the basis of scientific design and construction.
Civil engineering materials can be divided into narrow sense of civil engineering materials and broad sense of civil engineering materials. In a narrow sense, civil engineering materials refer to all materials directly used to build civil engineering entities, which is also the content of this book. In a broad sense, civil engineering materials refer to all the materials used in the process of civil engineering construction.
前 言
土木工程材料是指在土木工程中使用的各种材料的总称。工程材料是土木工程的物质基础。工程材料的性能和质量直接影响到工程的坚固、适用、经济和美观等方面的基本要求。在土木工程造价中,材料费所占的比例很大,一般在 60%左右。若能经济合理地使用建筑材料,减少损耗,就能降低工程成本,提高经济效益。
土木工程材料可分为狭义的土木工程材料和广义的土木工程材料。狭义的土木工程材料是指直接用于建造土木工程实体的所有材料, 这也是本书所要介绍的内容。广义的土木工程材料是指土木工程建设过程中所用到的所有材料。
Land is the basis of human survival, is an important means of production, but also the source of all social material wealth. Nowadays, the population, resources, environment and food problems are all related to land. Reasonable planning, development and utilization of limited land resources to realize the sustainable development of society and economy have become an important topic of concern of governments all over the world and the focus of academic circles. China is the largest developing country in the world with a large population. The per capita land, cultivated land, woodland and grassland are 0.84 Hm2, 0.11 Hm2, 0.11 hm2 and 0.25 Hm2, respectively, which are only 60% - 80% of the world’s average level of similar land use, ranking 120th, 114th, 120th and 84th in 160 countries in the world. With the development of social economy and the continuous growth of population, the contradiction between people and land in China will be increasingly acute. Therefore, it is very important to cherish and reasonably utilize extremely limited land resources and coordinate the relationship between people and land. Since China’s reform and opening up, urban and rural development is in the process of scale expansion, which has induced many contradictions and conflicts. The contradiction between limited land resources and unlimited development needs will exist for a long time in China’s social development. Economical and intensive land use is the way to solve the problem in this state, but it is not the ultimate goal to use land economically and intensively. The ultimate goal is to make efficient use of land, promote development and ecological harmony. For a long time, China’s economic development is mainly driven by the extensive mode of cheap land and cheap labor force, resulting in the low degree of land intensification, and the scale of construction land is close to the future index. However, construction land still plays an irreplaceable role in promoting economic development. The sustainable use of construction land will exist for a long time with the development of human society. At present, it is not enough to pay attention to the utilization and benefit of the stock land. Only by making the stock land play a revolutionary role in the transformation of the development mode is the foundation that the developed regions should set an example for the national development strategy.
前 言
土地是人类赖以生存的基础,是重要的生产资料,也是一切社会物质财富的源 泉。当今世界所面临的人口、资源、环境和粮食等几大难题,无一不与土地相关, 合理规划、开发和利用有限的土地资源,实现社会、经济的可持续发展,已成为世 界各国政府所关注的重要议题,也成为当今学术界关注的焦点。我国是世界上最大 的发展中国家,人口众多,人均土地、耕地、林地和草地分别为 0.84hm2、0.11hm2、 0.11hm2和 0.25hm2 ,仅为世界同类用地平均水平的 60%~80%,在全世界 160 个国 家中分别位居第 120、114、120 和 84 位,而随着社会经济的发展和人口的继续增长, 我国的人地矛盾将日趋尖锐。因此,十分珍惜、合理利用极其有限的土地资源,协 调人地关系显得尤为重要。 中国自改革开放以来,城乡发展均处于规模扩张过程,诱发了众多的矛盾与冲 突。有限的土地资源与无限的发展需求之间的矛盾将会在中国社会发展中长期存在。 节约、集约用地就是在这种状态下所产生的解决问题的办法,但节约、集约用地并 不是最终目的,高效利用、促进发展、生态和谐才是终极目标。长期以来,我国经 济发展主要以廉价土地和廉价劳动力的粗放式带动为主,致使土地的集约化程度较 低,并使建设用地规模量迫近未来的指标。但建设用地在促进经济发展中依然起着 其他资源所不能替代的作用,建设用地的永续利用将伴随着人类社会的发展而长期 存在。目前,仅仅关注存量土地的利用与利用效益是不够的,使存量土地在发展方 式转变中起到革命性的变革作用,才是发达地区应该为国家的发展战略起表率作用 的根本。